It began last August 2007 shortly after returning from Moldova. I had spent ten days in the eastern Europe working with orphans, local interpreters and others with Ceri organization. It was life-changing for me, mainly because of the relationships built with prayer partners, team members, and the interpreters, young Moldovans who worked miracles through translation of scripture, devotional thoughts, and common every day chit-chat.
One of the most memorable parts of the day at the summer camp for orphans was the music---singing familiar Baptist hymns in the Romanian language of the Moldovans. Nothing soothes the soul like music. Not only that, but my heart was stirred with the beauty in the eyes of those children as they sang in their native language, the words of Christ.
So, I prayed, trying to hear God's direction for the coming year.
When our minister of music sent out email notices inviting members of Oakmont Baptist Church to serve on a te
n day mission trip singing with the North Carolina Baptist Singers, I responded and hoped there might be a chance for me to participate. With my church's blessing and generous financial support, I was sure God would be with me as I traveled to South America, singing the message of love and salvation. The wonderful retreat with the singers in early June further confirmed what I was hearing God say about singing and travel to Brazil. It is now early July and, more than ever, I need to be prayerful for preparations, learning of the music, and the prayer support of others about details of this mission.
Prayer Schedule

Prayer Schedule