While reading through notes, emails, and other instructions provided by Global Mission Project, I discovered that, while in Brazil, our hosts Jim and Rosemary Davidson will be taking the singers to a Bird Sanctuary. I love birds of all varieties. They represent such an important lesson about God's unfailing provision for his creatures and more so for his children. I'm pleased to be able to visit the Bird Park in the Foz while we are in Brazil.
Jim Davidson, formerly, a member of the North Carolina Baptist Singers and a son of the Tarheel State, is a missionary and professor in Curitiba. His messages by email indicate his obvious anticipation of our visit. I'm especially excited about our scheduled locations for concerts. We will visit and sing at several churches and several of the public schools in Brazil. I am thrilled with the idea of singing about the love of Christ to school children and youth. This really speaks to my heart. Jim reminded us to be prepared to share our faith story if we have a chance to do this. My faith story is based on learning, teachers and schools and how God provided for experiences I never dreamed possible. Because I consider my education and work as a special gift, tied to God's plan and purposes for me, I look forward to meeting with children and youth and seeing the schools in this part of the world.
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